Sorry I haven't written for awhile. Honestly, we do a lot of the same stuff that I feel like there isn't much to talk about. But nonetheless, I should be doing it.
We are still doing what we can to stay busy. We are going through the ward list right now and calling them. We have a lot of people on there that don't come, but we have learned that is because most of them have moved. So, we have a dandy time doing that.
We also have been working with the Relief Society and delivering cookies to people in the ward. That's honestly kind of fun, as we get a little interaction with other people and it gives us something to do. This week, however was a little much for me as we were driving off into the wilderness in many places and it took a long time. Lots of driving.
We have started being able to see people, as long as we are outside and 6ft apart, so that has been nice. We have been able to do a couple member dinners with some people on their porches.
Finding is still the same, as we try Facebook and reaching out to people in our area book. We also will go out and write little quotes or scriptures on the sidewalk with chalk.
We are still sewing masks. Amazingly, they are still in high demand. It's a little boring to do, but I enjoy the part where we get to give it to the people who need them. They are always so appreciative.
We've gotten some referrals, but most of them have been no bueno. We had one guy who had referred himself, but when we called him, he said that he thought it had been a job application 😅 But that's okay! We keep going. We do have one potential person, so that's good!
I enjoy sacrament meeting, as we get together with the ward mission leader, his wife, and son and have a small one at church. Sometimes we invite someone we are working with to come with. I have come to appreciate the ordinance a lot more, especially as I have been reading the Old Testament. I'm reading about the sacrifices they would do and studying the symbolism of it, and how everything points to the Savior. The same is with the sacrament, as we are also making a sacrifice of a broken heart and a contrite spirit and the symbolism of it all also points to the Savior.
I hope things are going well for everyone and that you're all surviving okay. Love you!
Sister Savannah Johanson