Saturday, October 5, 2019

September 31st, 2019: We can do hard things


Here we are! Its week 26, which means.....absolutely nothing!! Just that I've been out for 26 weeks. Only about 53 more to go! Unfortunately, it's going to be a short, short letter this week.

It's been a good week, I guess. We went to 6 week training on Tuesday, which was good. It was a fun day of learning and seeing other missionaries and hearing from President. I especially loved seeing Sister Nelson, MY trainer! I was so happy to see her! I love her so darn much. It was so good to catch up and hear about good ol' Greenwood, one of my favoritist places in the world!

This week was a little rougher, to be honest. We completely ran out of miles for our car and didn't know what to do. We were trying to bike everywhere, but let me tell you, that was not easy. For one, riding a bike as an adult is much harder than riding it as a kid for some reason. Reason two, it is also MUCH different to ride the winding, hilly roads of Missouri compared to riding the safe flat roads of St. George, Utah.

I'm excited for General Conference! It is one of my most favorite times of the year! I love being able to sit down and listen to the prophet and apostles. I get as much as I can from President Nelson, as I always learn so much from him.

This week, I learned about how we can do hard things. Even when we think we can't. Unfortunately, life puts us in situations where we have to do things that we aren't sure we can do. It is so easy to get caught up in our own weaknesses and flaws, that we can easily decide that it is too hard and that we will never get to where we need to be. Let me tell you right now that those thoughts are false. We are given trials, weakness, experiences, and flaws to learn and grow and to be able to gain experience in life. When we say that we can't do something, we are stopping our personal progression from reaching that potential that our Heavenly Father sees in us. Our plans our different than His. He knows exactly what we need and where we need to go. As Nephi says, "I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." As my mom and the prophet says, "You can do hard things." That us exactly why we are here. We were never promised that this life would be easy, but we were promised that it would be worth it.

I love you and am grateful for all of you!
Sister Savannah Johanson

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