Hello, my fellow beings!
Man, it has been an exhausting week! Well, I guess more of an exhausting weekend. Sorry, it's going to be a shorter letter this week. But, I'll provide plenty of pictures ;). Not too many things happened throughout the week. We went out and visited some people and started teaching a few. We did have to drop this one person. Her name was Wanda, and unfortunately, the Jehovah witnesses got to her before us. We had gone over to start teaching her, but this lady was there with her. She asked us a bunch of questions, which were borderline bashing. Thankfully, Heavenly Father kept it from getting too bad. It was a real interesting encounter.
But, both yesterday and Saturday was a party! Why, do you ask? Because we did flood cleanup! Whoohoo! So much fun! We worked on 2 1/2 houses this weekend. The first house was on Saturday. We cleaned up this lady's yard. Her name was Ilene. We cleaned up the debris in her front yard left from her house and in the backyard we cleaned up the leaves and branches that had been swept in by the river, which were all contaminated by the nasty flood water.
Sunday, we started off at this one member's house. But she didn't have any damage. We just moved her fridge back and took the sandbags in her backyard. But, then we went to this one house that had been very badly damaged. They were not members. We spent our day ripping the floors out. It was fun! Very hot and humid. I was very gross at the end of the day. And tired. Needless to say, I am very sore from all that work.
I learned a lot about the importance of service. It does amazing things and works many miracles. I know when I am serving people, I am serving my Lord and Savior and my Father in Heaven. I have seen how it touches people's lives and how they feel the love you have for them and they know that they have a Heavenly Father who is watching out for them and loves them. They also will know of the love you have for your Heavenly Father and your Savior Jesus Christ.
So this week, I would like to invite you all to find a way to serve your fellow man. Whether it be big or small, it doesn't matter. Anyway you can show your love for someone will suffice. Any opportunity you can find in your day and week, seek for ways to serve someone. I promise that it will change your life, along with many others. You will know how Heavenly Father feels about you and you will know that you will be able to become more like the Savior through you actions.
I hope you all have an amazing week and I love you all dearly. Until next time.
With my sincerest love,
Sister Savannah Johanson
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