Hi friends!
It's been a wonderful week, let me tell you! So many wonderful things happened, I almost don't know where to start. Its probably because it's the end of transfers. The most miracles happen then.
So, this last week, we met this amazing elderly couple named Mary Lou and Chuck. They are so sweet! We've talked to them at the Greenwood Senior Center a couple of times, but we never had anything major. But, one day we went over and sat with them for lunch and we really got to know them. Mary Lou is chatty Kathy and told us all kinds of stories. Chuck used to be a police officer, so there's all kinds of things there. They actually know a lot about the church. They actually invited us to come over some time and visit and crochet with Mary Lou. So, we did. We went over and they were so happy to see us. We talked to Mary Lou and got to know more about her. They've had interactions with the missionaries before and she even owns a Book of Mormon. We'll just have to do some digging and find out some more. She told us that we have a certain light around us and she just loves to be around us. At the end of our visit, she gave us some rosemary and garlic from her garden and some peanuts that she had been snacking on and needed to stop 😂.
This week was kind of all over the place this week. We were going to have exchanges, but things happened with our sister training leader that made it that we had to cancel, but that was just fine and dandy for me! But we had already switched everything up, so it was very different this week.
We had this really cool experience this week with "finding" a new person. So on Friday, the phone had been off while were doing service and it had gone through updates while we were in a companion study. When it was finally finished, we noticed that there was a voicemail from a number that we didn't know. So we listened to it, and it was a man, asking what time our services were at. So we called him back and talked to him. We told him church was at 10-12. He said he had just moved to Greenwood, and that a friend had given him a Book of Mormon. He had been reading it and he also came across a Restoration pamphlet and that he had some questions he'd like to discuss. We said we could totally help him and we set up a time to meet him this next week. Best experience ever! Miracles really do happen!
Saturday was service again! Whoohoo! It's a party! We actually went to go do flood cleanup, however, we were needed somewhere else. A lady in our ward has a driveway that has been needing work for so long, but with all the other things that have been going on, it's kind of been put on the back burner. So, Bishop took his team to her house and fixed the gravel driveway! It was a lot of fun. Very tiring, though, and my shoulders are paying for all that shoveling I did. But it was worth it!
We got transfer calls that night. Sadly, I'm leaving Greenwood. I'm headed up to Orchard Hills, Missouri on Wednesday. Sister Nelson will be staying and training again. She's so excited! (*whispers* no, not really!) I wish I didn't have to leave. I love it here so much and the people here are amazing. Most of all, I have the best companion in the world who has truly become one of my best friends. However, I know that I have fulfilled my purpose here and I know that it will thrive with a new missionary here. I've learned so much from this area and my trainer and I'm so grateful for the new experiences I've had here in Arkansas and for how much I have learned and grown. I wish I could stay longer, but it is my time to go.
This week, I've learned about the power of prayers. I know I've probably already talked about this, but you never stop learning things and it's never bad to have a little refresher. I've truly seen how Heavenly Father answers my prayers and is in the details in all of our lives. His timing is perfect and has things set to go exactly as they should. There is no such thing as a coincidence or an accident. Everything happens how it should. There is also so much more power and you can see so many more miracles around you when you pray for others. You can see how your prayers bless their lives and how much they grow because of you.
I would encourage you all this next week to look at your life with different eyes. Try and keep in mind why things happen and understand Heavenly Father's will and timing. Find ways that you can help it along and how you can improve the Lord's work, whether it is your own life or someone else's.
I love you all so much and I will tell you all about my new adventures up in crazy Missouri. It will be different, for sure. Have a wonderful week!
Sister Savannah Johanson
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