Tuesday, July 16, 2019

July 8th, 2019

Hi friends!

I'm so excited that it is Monday again. One of the best days of the week, along with Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It has been an interesting week to be sure. We have spent some time working on a lot of logistics of things so we can be organized when we go out a visit people. We are currently working on trying to get to know everyone in the ward, inactive or active. We want to be able to build relationships with a lot of them so we can encourage them to help our with missionary work and make them feel comfortable talking to us about things. We are slowly getting there, but I know we can do it.

We are also slowly working on our investigators. Each of them are getting there, but in their own time. I know they will get there eventually, we just have to keep chugging along with them. Missouri's a pretty great place and it's got some pretty great people. We will be able to help these people. I know it.

We worked on making cookies for people we are visiting, which has been an ordeal. Hopefully we can reach a point where the process is perfection.

The fourth of July was pretty fun. We got to meet with some of our investigators and they came with us to a party that a member in our ward was having. It felt like everyone in the church was there. It was pretty fun there. Sadly, we had to leave right as the fireworks were starting, but we got to see them as we passed by them. It was great!

This week I learned about patience, which is always so fun to learn. I learned how we have to sometimes wait for our answers and our deliverance and how we won't always know what Heavenly Father wants us to do, so we gave to move forward with our best judgement. I know we will always be able to get an answer and we will if we are patient enough.

I would like to invite you all to find ways in your everyday lives in which you can practice patience. When facing a certain situation that would normally frustrate, stress, or anger you, take time to pray for peace and walk forward, waiting and trusting in the Lord's timing. I know all will go well and you will be able to see the Lord's hand in your life more as you are slowing down and waiting for what will be your deliverance. It will always happen, even when we think it may not.

I wish you all a wonderful week and I love you all so much!

Sister Savannah Johanson

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