Hi friends!
Well, I don't even think I know what happened this week. It all just kind of blurred by without me noticing. So much happened. It's crazy to think that I was in a different area only days ago. It feels like a whole other life time.
I spent most of Tuesday and Wednesday saying goodbye to a lot of good people. I was sad to go and there were people who were sad to see me leave. I wish I could have stayed longer but I know that it was my time to go. There are some super amazing people in Greenwood that I will treasure their memories for the rest of my life.
Thursday was the day I headed up to Missouri, after a tearful goodbye to my companion. It was a long drive and, unfortunately, I felt kind of sick for half of it. But I got here safe and sound. I got to say hi to some of my wonderful pals from the MTC! Sister Mehlhoff is in my stake, which is super exciting. Sister Johnson had to make her way down to Rodgers, Arkansas. And Sister Young is once again in my same zone, now companions with my old sister training leader! It's going to be a party here in Missouri.
I already love it here in Missouri. It's so beautiful and the people here are just the best! Nothing too crazy has happened yet, but I've still got time. I have some wacky stories about what happens here in Missouri. An interesting experience to have, to be sure.
Sister Thomas is just the best! I love her so much and it will be a great transfer with her. I know we will do great things together.
I'm melting just a little bit in this heat. It's true when they tell you it's not the heat that gets to you. It's the humidity. We had gone to this Freedom Fest on Saturday and were there for a couple hours. I could feel the sweat rolling down by back. I was a little damp when we got back into the car. This summer will be fun!
This week I've learned more about faith. In trusting that Heavenly Father has a plan and everything will work out for the best. It's hard to go to a new area with a new companion and you have so much to learn. It's a time that you really have to rely on the Lord and try and understand what His will is and what you are supposed to do. I'm still learning a lot about this area and it will take time to adjust, but I know that I have Heavenly Father on my side, all will be okay.
I would challenge all of you, whether you are struggling with something or just living your normal day to day life, to turn in prayer to Heavenly Father and ask Him what He would have you do. Open your mind and heart to the Spirit and be willing to hear whatever it is that it has to say to you, even if it's something that you may not want to do. Ask your Heavenly Father if He loves. I promise that your lives will change so much with this, as you begin to align yourselves to His plan and truly understand what your Father in Heaven wants for you. You will understand things more and will grow even closer to Him.
I wish you all the best and I love you all so very, very, much.
Your bestest pal,
Sister Savannah Johanson
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