This week has been a week to be sure. It was pretty weird and a little all over the place. It's been a little rough this week for many reasons, but I won't delve into that. It was a week of learning, changing, and repenting for me. But there were still some good things this week!
We had interviews this week, which was pretty fun. It's one of my favorite part of the transfers, mainly because I get to talk to my mission president's wife. She always has some great insight and I'm able to talk to her and get some help on things. We have such great chats.
We got to talk to some great people and were able to work hard and do what we need to. I love going out and talking to the people around me. I still get nervous sometimes, but when I put myself out there, I usually love the results. It's always a good time.
We had dinner with Renee and her two boys this week, which is fun. Liam and Landon are so cute! I love getting to be around them. Renee is so funny! She told us how she was reading the Book of Mormon and there were some things in it that she thought was super awesome!
We really got to know some of the members of the ward this week and the told us a lot about themselves and their conversion stories and how they are trying to implement the gospel in their everyday lives. I think they are amazing and I love them so much!
We got to meet this new family in the ward and start talking to them. The husband is a nonmember and has been taught by missionaries before. He is very spiritual and wants to be able to have that spiritual connection with the people and things he learns. It's going to be interesting with him and will really test us in some ways.
Saturday was really fun! We got a call the day before from the sisters up in Bolivar, asking if we wanted to do a half day exchange. They had set up a booth at an event up there and thought it would be fun if we would go up there and do it with them. It was a chalkboard with different questions on it that people could write answers to and it's a great way to get to talk to some people. We also had a board next to it that said "Do you know where your family is from" with a map drawn on it and people could put a pin on where they knew their family was from. It was a lot of fun and I got to talk to some cool people. There was also some music, so sometimes I would jam in the street with it going on. I really enjoyed it.
This week, I've learned a lot about aligning myself to the will of the Lord. The truth is that we have the ability to choose in all things and Heavenly Father has a plan for all things. But if we so desire, we can become exactly who He wants us to be and we can accomplish all that we can by listening to the Spirit and being directed to where He wants us to go and do what He needs us to do. He will never force us and we can always figure things out no matter what we decide to do. But the outcome can be so much greater when we let ourselves be as clay in the Lord's hands and allow Him to do what He would like us to do. Sometimes in life, we don't get an answer. There are two reasons for that. One, is because He trust us to do what is right and knows that we can do things that will make us better. The other is that we are not ready for the answer. This is either because it isn't the right time, or we are not allowing ourselves to be open to what the Lord has to say. He is not going to answer you if He knows that you will not obey. I know that I am not perfect and I probably make many of these mistakes, but I'm so grateful for repentance and how I can do better and can allow Christ and Heavenly Father to pick me up and help me go forward and do better so that I am going where they need me to go.
So, my invitation to all of you this week is to look inside yourself and make sure you are on the right path. That you are willingly saying "Not my will, but thy will be done". It sometimes can be hard and we don't always have to be excited and happy about it, because we know that it can be hard sometimes. But we can make sure that we aren't dragging our feet. I love you all so much and I feel this is my everyday life of how important it is to be in tune with the Lord's plan and to always know that He loves us so very much.
With all my heart,
Sister Savannah Johanson
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