Friends, foes, family, colleagues, and whatever else you would like to be identified as,
Well, here we are. Week #2, take one. Actions!
We still be homebound, for the most part. Lots of time spent in the apartment and the church. I don't have much to say, so I will give a highlight reel.
We drew the plan of Salvation for people to look at as they pass by. A guy across the street was watching us and came to look at our work once we were done. He made me kind of nervous and I wasn't sure what to say to him. He told he thought we were protestors or something and was going to douse the thing with water once we left. But he liked what we drew and said he would let it be. We were very appreciative of that. We headed back to the apartment after that and we decided to put some uplifting quotes around there for people. We had a lot of fun doing it.
For service, we are sewing masks. It's actually kind of a boring sewing project, as you are just sewing a square together. But, it's fun being there while Sister Fisher exclaims loudly at her machine. It's a fairly cheap machine she is using and it has issues. It took her and hour and a half to make one mask! Meanwhile, I'm just blazing through, getting through several fairly quickly. We finally switched machines, and now we both are going by with little problems. One thing we like to do is listen to podcasts that the church has released, so we started this one called Endure it well. Mistake! It was the saddest thing ever! Only listen to if you want to cry uncontrollably.
We actually had a busy day Wednesday, which was pretty nice. I was so tired though. We had gotten these Easter calendars to pass out, and we were supposed to have gotten them earlier, but it did not happen. So, we got them today at district Council and we realized that the calendar started today. So if we wanted people to participate, we would have to pass them all out today. #ChallengeAccepted
So, basically, we spent the entire day handing out these Easter calendars and pass alongs to members. Because we couldn't really be in contact with them, we decided to just leave them in the door and then text them afterwards, letting them know the stuff was there, as to avoid any contact. We weren't perfect, as there were a few times they were outside and we had some awkward interactions that way. But, that was how it was when I was the one handing stuff out when we delivered primary activities with Sister Vines. But, for the most part, we were pretty good about it.
At the end of the day, we had a cool concert on Zoom with this guy Garth Smith, who arranges and plays piano music. It was pretty cool. He played a lot of hymn arrangements and talked about the power and influence of hymns.
And, of course, Conference was amazing! It was so powerful and I loved it! It really was a tender mercy to have all this stuff going on around this time of year, so we could listen to the prophet and apostles and receive some spiritual upliftment. I dont have the words to quite express my thoughts on it, other than I loved it! I hope you all got a chance to see it and enjoy its messages.
I hope you all are doing okay and staying safe. And same. Everything will work out!
I love you all!
Sister Savannah Johanson
Sister Savannah Johanson
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